Texte de Louis au départ de Vivien.

I - Tous réunis cet après-midi
Le coeur un peu serré aussi
Pour faire fête à notre professeur
Pour qui nous chantons tous en choeur

Merci Monsieur le professeur
On ne vous oubliera jamais
Et tout au fond de notre coeur
Ces mots sont écrits à la craie
Que ce chant soit comme une fleur
Pour dire combien on vous aimait
On ne vous oubliera jamais
Monsieur le professeur d'anglais.

II - Il pourra désormais consacrer
Tout son temps au bridge et à la danse
Aussi préparer de nouvelles visites
Ou nous aimerons le retrouver

III - Plus de story-telling maintenant
Le niveau risque de baisser
Il faudra souvent nous remémorer
Tous les conseils qu'il a donnés


Fin du cours d’Anglais à l’U.T.L. du Trégor.

Dear Participants,
This is our last English conversation class. How happy I was to have helped you to master Shakespeare’s language. At the beginning you were not used to speaking English but as time went on you felt at ease. That language helps you to converse when you go abroad ant to show your knowledge to your grand children for example. Our lessons were interesting, understandable, friendly mixed with humour. Various topics were discussed. Everyone could bear in mind trivial details uttered during lessons, everyone could talk but always one at a time no one-sided ideas of course.
In fact you helped me to fulfil what I couldn’t do at secondary school because conversations there got the meanest share. Now you are confident.
Am I glad ! Can you guess !
Many thanks to Bernadette who was responsible for everything, all of you full of euthusiasm and who followed my way of teaching.
Farewell…. Remember our motto.
« Practice makes perfect ».



Lettre de Claude au départ de Vivien.

We gather this afternoon, Vivien, for a goodbye, a good bye mixed with sorrow and gratefulness. Sorrow because during these years links have been woven strongly but next year we will be without a dear friend without « The big brother » not the same me who is present in George Orwell novel 1980, gratefulness because all of us stopped practising English since secondary school i.e nearly half a century ago.
Years went on at a glance. With patience and imaginations you knew how to give us confidence and in the long run we got a fair understanding in handling that language. Was it easy for you ? of course not because of the various levels of your students. Nevertheless everyone was requested to give answers to your questions that is one way to recognize a good teacher.
We will not forgot those Monday afternoons. Besides our lessons, we visited churches, castles, various beauty spots the aim of which was to help us to share your hobby. French words « votre violon d’Ingres ». History and Art were included. We can’t forget those short musical moments after intensive conversations. Patrimony all around Lannion and Guingamp was explained. Our desires were fulfilled.
I didn’t find a Hugues Auffray record to say « Au revoir Monsieur le Professeur, on ne vous oubliera jamais ». Vivien, our best wishes about your prospective projects.

From Claude and other students.